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[User Group Network]


The South West Amiga Group, after quite a while stuck as an idea, was finally "kick-started" in December 1997. We are still finding our feet, but we meet once a month and have a chat about our favourite computer and life in general. We try and keep the group informal and not too technical, so don't worry about bringing along your better half as he/she shouldn't get too bored ;). Don't let your age worry you either, as we have members ages from 11 - 67 :-).

As SWAG is still fairly new, the "charter" has not yet been finalised. Here's how it stands ATM...

  1. To get like minded Amiga enthusiasts together to have a chat about our favourite computer platform, and a `larf' in general.
  2. To give support/help to fellow Amigans.
  3. Provide info and/or reviews on hardware/software.
  4. To help promote the Amiga.
  5. To have some fun :).
  6. None of the above is mandatory ;-).

Do you have an idea for the charter? If you do, write to me at

Hopefully, in the near future, we will be having "workshops", where we will have one or two Amigas (probably member's machines) set up to demonstrate software/hardware, or to teach how to use different software such as Pagestream, ImageFX and so on. The only problem is, we do not have a venue for this at the moment. More info on this as it becomes available.

Thanks to Steve Dark, as the original idea of the South West Amiga Group belongs to him. Unfortunately, due to other commitments he didn't have the time to get the group up and running, so I took over SWAG at the beginning of December 1997.

Do you have any comments about SWAG or life in general? If so, contact me, Andy Mills, at

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